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1. 张建华. 知识管理自学习案例的自组织机制与检索算法研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2013,32(12):194-199.
2. 张磊磊,位霖,张建华. 企业订单处理CBR系统研究[J]. 物流技术, 2013,32(9):416-419.
3. 刘潇,郭增茂,张建华. 基于RS-TOPSIS的知识管理系统选型评价研究[J]. 情报科学, 2013,31(10):83-87.
4. 郭增茂,张磊磊,张建华. 基于区间属性值补缺的知识管理自学习案例检索机制[J]. 郑州大学学报(理学版), 2013,45(3):120-124.
5. 张建华. 知识管理中的知识进化绩效评价机制研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2013,34 (7): 28-37.
6. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识传播评价机制[J]. 情报理论与实践, 2013,36(6):45-48.
7. 张建华,郭增茂. 知识管理中知识表示绩效测度研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2013,32(6):203-207,197.
8. 张磊磊,张建华. 知识管理中知识辨识绩效测度研究[J]. 郑州大学学报(理学版), 2013,45(1):119-124.
9. 张建华. 基于知识管理的“教-学-做”一体化教学模式研究[J]. 研究生教育研究, 2013(1):31-35.
10. 张建华. 知识经济背景下企业核心竞争力演化研究[J] . 中国科技论坛, 2013(2):89-94.
11. 刘潇,叶诗凡,张建华. 组织知识传播与共享评价指标体系及其RS权重配置[J]. 郑州大学学报(理学版), 2012,44(4):116-120.
12. 张建华,叶诗凡. 企业知识管理中的位图盲数字水印原理与实现[J]. 微型机与应用, 2012,31(18):75-78.
13. 叶诗凡,杨岚,张建华. 供应链知识共享动态进化博弈研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2012,31(9):126-130.
14. 张建华,郭增茂,刘潇. 知识管理中的案例知识表示机理研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2012,31(6):112-115.
15. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识创新循环改进机制[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2012, 29(3):126-129.
16. 张建华. 基于OpenGL的地球物理成像系统设计与模拟[A]. 综合地球物理研究进展[C](ISBN:978-7-5478-0971-6/P). 上海科学技术出版社, 2011.9:220-225.
17. 温丹丹,杨岚,张建华. 知识传播中的知识安全模型及其技术策略[J]. 图书情报工作, 2011,55(14): 107-110,120.
18. Guo Xiaomin, Zhou Zhiwei, Zhao Yamin, Zhang Mengmeng, Lian Zhikang, Wei Lin, Zhang Jianhua. Research on tacit knowledge acquisition based on gray theory and RBF neural network(EI Accession number: 20171703599290). MATEC Web of Conferences, v 100, March 8, 2017, 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016; ISSN: 22747214, E-ISSN: 2261236X; DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201710005016; Article number: 10005016; Conference: 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016, November 28, 2016 - November 30, 2016; Publisher: EDP Sciences.
19. Zhou Zhiwei, Guo Xiaomin, Wei Lin, Zhang Mengmeng, Lian Zhikang, Zhao Yamin, Zhang Jianhua. Research on Search Engine of Knowledge Adaptation System Based on Large Scale Data Set (EI Accession number: 20171403542969). Procedia Engineering, v 174, p 308-316, 2017, 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016; E-ISSN: 18777058; DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.144; Conference: 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016, November 28, 2016 - November 30, 2016; Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.
20. Cao Yue, Guo Zengmao, Zhang Jianhua. Weight calculation for cases generated by tacit knowledge explicit based on RS-FAHP (EI Accession number: 20171703599303). MATEC Web of Conferences, v 100, March 8, 2017, 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016; ISSN: 22747214, E-ISSN: 2261236X; DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201710005029; Article number: 10005029; Conference: 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016, November 28, 2016 - November 30, 2016; Publisher: EDP Sciences.
21. Jianhua Zhang. Study on the Knowledge Security Architecture of Enterprise Knowledge Management [A]. Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information (BMEI2011 Vol.05)——Special Track on Supernetworks and System Management[C](IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1128-PRT & CFP1128N-ART). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc: 211-215. EI:20113514288785
22. Jianhua Zhang. Study on the Evaluation of E-government Knowledge Management Performance[A].The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government(ICEE2011)[C](IEEE Catalog Number:CFP1159J-PRT).New York: Curran Associates, Inc,2011:2642-2645. EI: 20112914160368
23. Dandan Wen, Jianhua Zhang. Research on trust evaluation model for enterprise Knowledge dissemination[A].The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government(ICEE2011)[C] (IEEE Catalog Number:CFP1159J-PRT).New York: Curran Associates, Inc,2011:2550-2552. EI:20112914160303
24. Xiao Liu, Jianhua Zhang. A Study of Uncertainty of Knowledge Sharing in Enterprise Alliance[A].The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government(ICEE2011)[C](IEEE Catalog Number:CFP1159J-PRT).New York: Curran Associates, Inc,2011:1943-1946. EI:20112914161089
25. 温丹丹,张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识安全指导架构[J]. 情报杂志, 2010,29(10):138-141.
26. 张建华. 基于知识链的企业知识创新研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2009,28(8):130-133,106.
27. 张建华. 企业KM实施中的知识活性测度[J]. 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版), 2008,30(5):834-838.
28. Zhang Jianhua. Study on Enterprise Knowledge Management System: Choice and Decision. The Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM’2008), 20-22 Sept. 2008, Volume B:1149-1153.(ISTP:UT WOS:000261585600227)
29. 张建华. 当前企业知识管理绩效评估问题与对策分析[J]. 情报杂志, 2008,27(7):44-46.
30. 张建华. 对网络时代教育发展的思考[J]. 中国当代教育理论文献, 2008.5:7-10.
31. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识进化[J]. 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版), 2007,29(10):121-125.
32. 张建华. 以知识创新提升企业知识管理的实施效果[J]. 商业研究, 2007,(9):103-106.
33. 张建华.企业知识管理中的组织知识传播方式与技术[J]. 情报杂志, 2007,26(8):20-22.
34. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识创新机理分析[J. 科学管理研究, 2007,25(3):66-69.
35. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识创新子系统模型研究[J]. 情报科学, 2007年6月增刊:167-170.
36. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识搜索机制研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2007,(1):49-51.
37. 张建华. 中的双线知识集成策略[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2006,27(9):103-107.
38. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的系统学习机制[J]. 华东经济管理, 2006,20(9):87-90.
39. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识集成方案与技术[J]. 情报杂志, 2006,25(9):19-24.
40. 张建华. 知识管理中编码知识的存储机制[J]. 情报科学,2006,24(8):1239-1244. (人大复印资料G9 2007年第11期全文转载,69~74页)
41. 张建华. 知识管理系统模型新探[J]. 商业研究, 2006,(16):82-85.
42. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识适配与修正[J]. 科技与管理, 2006,8(4):17-20.
43. 张建华. 企业知识管理中的知识决策与主体协同[J]. 情报杂志, 2006图书情报科学研究年刊(上):4-6.
44. 张建华. 企业知识管理的知识获取策略[J]. 科技与管理, 2006,8(3):33-36.
45. 张建华. 中隐性知识管理策略研究[J]. 情报科学, 2006,24(5):762-766.
46. 张建华,方辉. 企业知识管理中的知识传播[J]. 科技管理研究, 2006,26(2):140-143.
47. 张建华. KM中的知识存储策略[J]. 情报杂志, 2006,25(3):37-39.
48. 张建华. 企业知识管理系统建模中的系统科学思想[J]. 科技与管理, 2006,8(1):33-36.
49. 张建华. 知识管理系统模型及其实现技术[J]. 情报科学, 2005,23(12):1861-1865.
50. 张建华. 基于人工智能的集成化知识管理系统模型[J]. 情报杂志, 2005,24(10):49-51.
51. 张建华,刘仲英. 知识管理中的知识辨识[J]. 经济管理, 2005,(2):39-43.
52. 张建华,刘仲英.知识管理系统要素分析[J]. 科学管理研究, 2005,23(2):72-75.
53. 张建华,刘仲英. 知识管理中的知识贡献激励机制[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2004,32(7):966-970.
54. 张建华,刘仲英. 知识获取与求精RS-GA策略[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2004,32(6):822-826.
55. 张建华,刘仲英. 当前知识管理系统模型问题与对策分析[J]. 情报学报,2004,23(1):73-77.(人大复印资料2004年5月全文转载)
56. 张建华,刘仲英. 知识管理环境营建策略[J]. 科学管理研究, 2003,21(5):94-98.
57. 张建华,刘仲英. 案例推理和规则推理结合的紧急预案信息系统[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2002,30(7):890-894.
58. 张建华,刘仲英. 基于案例推理的紧急预案信息系统[J]. 同济大学研究生论文集,上海科学技术文献出版社, 2002.4,P553-558.
59. 张建华,王家林等. 海洋MT正演模拟研究及其应用[J]. 石油物探, 2001,40(1):115-120.
60. 张建华. 知识管理自学习案例活性测度与学习阈控[J]. 情报理论与实践, 2014,37(3):25-30.
61. 张建华,张磊磊.知识管理中知识获取绩效测度研究 [J]. 情报杂志,2014,33(5):194-197,160.
62. 张建华. 研究生教育知识管理系统架构及其实现策略[J]. 研究生教育研究, 2014(3):43-47.
63. 张磊磊,郭增茂,张建华.CBR系统中案例检索优化方案的设计[J]. 郑州大学学报(理学版),2014,46(3): 119-124.
64. 张建华.知识管理自学习案例平行结构体方面相似度模型[J]. 情报杂志, 2014,33(10):196-200,封三.
65. 张建华,位霖,杨岚. RS与CV相整合的知识创新绩效模糊综合测度研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2014,33(11):203-206,封三.
66. 张建华.知识管理自学习案例多案例诱导型适配机制[J]. 系统管理学报, 2014,23(6):845-853.
67. 温丹丹,杨岚,张建华.知识传播中基于参与者环境和行为的信任评价机制研究[J]. 情报科学, 2015,33(3):85-89.
68. 张建华. 互联网+政务:电子政务升级版(特稿)[J]. 河南财政, 2015(8):3-5.
69. 张建华.知识管理系统含非精确方面自学习案例视图匹配研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2015,34(10):134-139,164.
70. 张建华,曹悦,郭小敏,赵亚敏.科技型中小企业创新管理循环改进机制[J]. 科学管理研究, 2016,34(1):87-90.
71. 张建华.“互联网+”背景下电子商务的发展趋势与应对策略[J]. 河南财政, 2016(5):12-15.
72. 张建华,曹悦,郭增茂. 隐性知识外显化案例RS-FAHP视图计算[J]. 计算机应用与软件, 2017,34(4):288-293.
73. 张建华,叶建文,李方方. 隐性知识外显案例之多案例诱导型适配研究[J]. 情报理论与实践, 2020,43(1):98-103.
74. 张建华,叶建文,刘柯. 面向区间方面的隐性知识外显案例匹配研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2020,50(5):49-59.
75. 张建华,李方方,叶建文. 基于领域本体与CBR的案例知识供需匹配研究[J]. 情报杂志, 2020,30(10):144-150.
76. 张建华,冉佳,刘柯. 基于改进 LDA-FCM 的 UserCF 知识推荐研究[J]. 科技管理研究, 2020(19): 140-146.
77. 张建华,李方方, 杨岚. 融合PFS与RS的案例知识供需匹配研究[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2020,56(23):139-145.
78. 张建华,李方方,叶建文. 基于改进SIR模型的知识密集型企业隐性知识转移研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2021,51(02):28-35.
79. 张建华, 刘柯,叶建文. 基于三支决策的组织关联知识推送服务[J]. 系统管理学报, 2021,30(3):508-515.
80. 张建华,刘艺琳,温丹丹,杨 岚. 融合三支决策与GRA-Orthopair模糊集的知识匹配方法研究[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2021,38(7):1967-1972.
81. 张建华,刘艺琳,李方方,温丹丹. 基于空间压缩与WFT视图改进的案例知识匹配研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2021,51(17):1-10.
82. Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Jianhua Zhang, Phong Ba Le. Role of collaborative culture and knowledge management process for stimulating radical and incremental innovation: a comparative moderation approach[J]. Business Process Management Journal (SSCI-Q3 WOS:000704039200001), 2021,27(7): 2021-2050. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-02-2021-0070.
83. Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Jianhua Zhang, Dandan Wen, Mrs Sherani, Adil Hayat, Oleksandra Horbanenko. Enablers of knowledge management: practical research-based in the construction industry [J]. International Journal of Innovation Science (EI, Accession number: 20213110717789), 2022,14(1):121-137. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJIS-09-2020-0142.
84. Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Jianhua Zhang, Md. Helal Miah. The impact of tacit knowledge sharing on the success of construction companies operations[J]. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology(EI, Accession number: 20214311054799), 2021. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEDT-08-2021-0444.
85. Md Helal Miah, Jianhua Zhang, Dharmahinder Singh Chand. Knowledge Creation and Application of Optimal Tolerance Distribution Method for Aircraft Product Assembly[J]. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology (SCI-Q3 WOS:000720398900001), 2021, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/AEAT-07-2021-0193.
86. 张建华,李方方,刘艺琳,杨岚.融合TWD与FRS的隐性知识转移研究[J]. 计算机科学与探索(中文核心,CSCD:7143427), 2022,16(01):253-260.
87. Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Jianhua Zhang ,Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Sherani, Dandan Wen.Exploring the impact of social capitals and knowledge creation on construction firms performance in the COVID-19 era[J], Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology (EI Accession number: 20220311481836), 2022, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEDT-10-2021-0569.
88. Muhammad Usman Shehzad,Jianhua Zhang* ,Phong Ba Le, Khalid Jamil, Ziao Cao. Stimulating frugal innovation via information technology resources, knowledge sources and market turbulence: a mediation-moderation approach[J]. European Journal of Innovation Management (SSCI-Q2 WOS: 000751518200001), 2023,26(4):1071-1105. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJIM-08-2021-0382.(该文入选2022年11月份高被引论文,点击查看详情)
89. Jiang Xu, Huihui Wu, Jianhua Zhang* . Innovation research on symbiotic relationship of organization’s tacit knowledge transfer network[J]. Sustainability (SSCI-2,SCI-Q2 WOS: 000768889600001). 2022, 14(5):3094. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053094.
90. Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Jianhua Zhang , Sajjad Alam, Ziao Cao. Determining the role of sources of knowledge and IT resources for stimulating firm innovation capability: a PLS-SEM approach[J]. Business Process Management Journal(SSCI-Q3 WOS: 000800293900001),2022,Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-09-2021-0574.
91. Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Jianhua Zhang , Mir Dost, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, Sajjad Alam. Knowledge management enablers and knowledge management processes: a direct and configurational approach to stimulate green innovation[J]. European Journal of Innovation Management (SSCI-Q2 WOS: 000809431500001),2024,27(1):123-152. published online 14 June 2022. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJIM-02-2022-0076.
92. Md Helal Miah,Jianhua Zhang , Wang Wei. Systematic Intelligent Mechanism of Aircraft Assembly Process Knowledge Management for Aviation Enterprise[J]. AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum (EI Accession number: 20223112461365),June 27-July 1, 2022, Chicago, IL & Virtual. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-3628.
93. Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah,Jianhua Zhang , Ziao Cao & Oleksandra Horbanenko. An empirical study on the sharing of tacit knowledge by construction project workers in sub-Saharan Africa[J]. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (SSCI-Q2 WOS: 000832463700001), 2023,21(6):1039-1051. Published online: 27 Jul 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/14778238.2022.2105757.
94. Muhammad Usman Shehzad,Jianhua Zhang* , Sajjad Alam, Ziao Cao,Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah,Mubashir Ahmad. Knowledge management process as a mediator between collaborative culture and frugal innovation: the moderating role of perceived organizational support[J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (SSCI-Q3 WOS: 000838783500001), 2022, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-01-2022-0016.
95. Mohamed W. Madanoor, Jianhua Zhang* , A dual-case analysis of the IP governance system in e-commerce: Amazon and Alibaba[J]. The Journal of World Intellectual Property (ESCI-Q2 WOS:000841380900001), 2022,25(3):635-651. https://doi.org/10.1111/jwip.12247.
96. Sajjad Alam, Jianhua Zhang* , Muhammad Usman Shehzad. The mechanism of knowledge management processes toward knowledge workers operational performance under green technology implementation: an empirical analysis[J]. Kybernetes (SCI-Q3 WOS:000861572500001), 2023,52(12):6542-6571.(publication online: 3 October 2022). https://doi.org/10.1108/K-06-2022-0859.
97. Md Helal Miah, Jianhua Zhang , Gurmail Singh Malhi. Research on the laws of transition zone of non-deformation area for 90° V-bending forming process[J], Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology(SCI-Q3 WOS:000860668600001), 2022, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/AEAT-11-2021-0357.
98. Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Jianhua Zhang* , Ziao Cao. Incentives for knowledge sharing among engineering partners based on engineering programs and contract designs[J], Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers(SCI-Q4 WOS:000865358600001), 2022,45(8):679-687. https://doi.org/10.1080/02533839.2022.2126406.
99. Sherani, Jianhua Zhang* , Muhammad Riaz, Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Sher Ali. Harnessing technological innovation capabilities by the mediating effect of willingness to share tacit knowledge: a case from Pakistani software SMEs[J]. Kybernetes (SCI-Q3 WOS:000865584200001), 2023,52(12):6590-6616.(publication online: 12 October 2022). https://doi.org/10.1108/K-09-2021-0845.
100.张建华,杨俊晓,曹子傲,刘艺琳. 增强隐性知识外显案例适配度的优化方法[J].科技管理研究(中文核心&CSSCI), 2022,42(18):136-143.
101. Sajjad Alam, Zhang Jianhua, Jafar Hussain, Muhammad Usman Shahzad, Ahmad Ali. The Inclusive Analysis of Green Technology Implementation Effect on Employee Knowledge, Health, Job Opportunities in the Production Houses[J]. Journal of the Knowledge Economy (SSCI-Q2 WOS:000871808800001), 2022, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-022-01067-x.
102. Md Helal Miah, Jianhua Zhang* , Abdullah-Al Muin. Digital Aircraft Assembly Process Technology Simulation and Visualization System[J]. American Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022,9(2): 33-38. http://www.sciencepublishinggroup. doi: 10.11648/j.ajae.20220902.12.
103. Md Helal Miah, Jianhua Zhang* , Ravinder Tonk. A flexible and efficient tooling design technology for aircraft fuselage panel assembly[J], Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology (SCI-Q3 WOS:000878724800001), 2022, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/AEAT-09-2021-0292.
104. Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Jianhua Zhang*, Mir Dost, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, Sajjad Alam. Linking green intellectual capital, ambidextrous green innovation and firms green performance: evidence from Pakistani manufacturing firms[J]. Journal of Intellectual Capital (SSCI-Q2 WOS: 000884813900001), 2023, 24(4):974-1001.. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIC-02-2022-0032.
105. Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Jianhua Zhang*, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Mubashir Ahmad. The mediating role of social dynamics in the influence of absorptive capacity and tacit knowledge sharing on project performance[J]. Business Process Management Journal (SSCI-Q3 WOS:000905050300001), 2023,29(1):240-261. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-07-2022-0341.
106. Muhammad UsmanShehzad, Jianhua Zhang*, Khawaja FawadLatif, KhalidJamil, Abdul HakeemWaseel. Do green entrepreneurial orientation and green knowledge management matter in the pursuit of ambidextrous green innovation: A moderated mediation model [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production ( Impact Factor:11.072;SCI-Q1 WOS: 000919855400001), 2023, 388:135971. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.135971.(该文入选2024年3/4月份高被引论文,点击查看详情)
107. Sajjad Alam, Jianhua Zhang*, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Bingbing Wang. The inclusive analysis of green technology implementation impacts on employees age, job experience, and size in manufacturing frms: empirical assessment [J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability(SCI-Q2 WOS: 000919107700002), 2023, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02891-6.
108. Sajjad Alam, Jianhua Zhang, Naveed Khan, Ahmad Ali. Mechanism of knowledge management process towards minimizing manufacturing risk under green technology implementation: an empirical assessment [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research(SCI-Q1 MEDLINE:36820977), 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-25945-2.
109. Md Helal Miah, Jianhua Zhang*. Intelligent Decision-Making Policies of Aircraft Assembly Based on Experts Tacit Knowledge[J]. SAE Technical Paper (EI Accession number: 20231413842050), March 7, 2023,, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-01-0981.
110. Md Helal Miah, Jianhua Zhang*. Knowledge Innovation on Digital Measurement Methods of Aircraft Assembly Combining the Laser Tracker and the Articulated Arm Measuring Machine[J]. SAE Technical Paper (EI Accession number: 20231413842061), March 7, 2023, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-01-0992.
111. 张建华,刘艺琳,郭启迪,杨俊晓,徐佳璐. 融合改进FCM与PFS的知识供需匹配[J]. 计算机工程与设计(北大核心), 2023,44(01):99-107.
112. 张建华,郭启迪,曹子傲,刘艺琳. 基于匹配度和谱聚类的知识推荐研究[J].郑州大学学报(理学版)(北大核心), 2023,55(4):1-7,https://doi.org/10.13705/j.issn.1671-6841.2022141.
113. Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Jianhua Zhang*, Nana Ama Asi Danso, Sajjad Alam, Khadija Naqvi, Maryam Tariq. Predicting the Reward System of Knowledge Sharing in the Industrialized Engineering Sector Based on Regulatory Mechanisms [J]. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering (Published: 06 April 2023), 2023,47(5):3199-3210.(SCI-Q3 WOS: 000963888400003), https://doi.org/10.1007/s40996-023-01093-y.
114. Sajjad Alam, Jianhua Zhang*, Said Muhammad, Ahmad Ali, Naveed Khan. The mechanism of knowledge management process toward minimizing technical risks under green implementation network: a direct and configurational approach[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (Published: 30 May 2023)( Impact Factor:8.144;SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q1 WOS: 000995992100001), https://doi.org/10.1108/JMTM-03-2023-0085.
115. Jianhua Zhang,Liangchen Li, Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Shuwei Zhang, Longfei He. A multi-case induction adaptation study of tacit knowledge based on NRS and CBR[J].Kybernetes (Published: 8 June 2023)(SCI-Q3 WOS: 001002065200001),2024,53(10):3798-3815. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-01-2023-0049.
116. Sajjad Alam,Jianhua Zhang, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Naveed Khan, Ahmad Ali. Mediation approach of knowledge management process towards supply chain performance under green technology: an empirical analysis[J]. Business Process Management Journal (Published: 13 June 2023)(SSCI-Q3 WOS: 001002898000001), https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-01-2023-0045.
117. Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah,Jianhua Zhang*, Sherani & Ziao Cao. The Mediation Role of Engineers’ Performance Factors in the Influence of Social Capital on the Desire to Share Tacit Knowledge [J]. Engineering Management Journal, 2024,36(2):193-205. (Published: 17 July 2023)(SCI-Q3 & SSCI-Q4 WOS: 001027158700001), https://doi.org/10.1080/10429247.2023.2234270.
118. Umair Zia,Jianhua Zhang*, Sajjad Alam. Role of tacit knowledge management process and innovation capability for stimulating organizational performance: empirical analysis, PLS-SEM approach [J]. Kybernetes (Published: 3 August 2023)(SCI-Q3 WOS: 001039683000001), https://doi.org/10.1108/K-03-2023-0444.
119. Dandan Wen,Jianhua Zhang*, Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Yilin Liu. An empirical study of continuous knowledge contribution of doctors in online medical communities [J], Kybernetes (Published: 21 August 2023)(SCI-Q3 WOS:001050070600001), https://doi.org/10.1108/K-03-2023-0397.
120. Md Helal Miaha,Jianhua Zhang*, Gurmail Singh Malhib. Tacit Knowledge Service on Industrial Robot Selection for Efficient Aircraft Production Based on the Flexible MADM Approach[J]. Russian Aeronautics (Published: 29 September 2023)(EI Accession number: 20234314938824), 2023,66(2):349–386.
121. Sajjad Alam, Jianhua Zhang*, Lizl Styenberg, Ahmad Ali, Naveed Khan. Analysis of knowledge management process towards minimizing supply chain risks under the green technology: a direct and configurational approach [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Published: 17 November 2023).(SCI-Q1, MEDLINE:37975983), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-30915-9.
122. Abdul Hakeem Waseel, Jianhua Zhang*, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Ayesha Saddiqa, Jinyan Liu, Sajjad Hussain. Does empowering leadership help firms to establish collaborative culture and organizational commitment to stimulate frugal innovation? [J]. Kybernetes (Published online: 23 November 2023).(SCI-Q3 WOS: 001106058400001), https://doi.org/10.1108/K-05-2023-0786.
123. 张建华, 徐佳璐, 曹子傲, 刘艺琳, 王爱领. 隐性知识外显案例匹配双维改进[J]. 计算机工程与设计(北大核心), 2023,44(09):2634-2642..
124. 张建华, 温丹丹, 贺龙飞, 杨岚. 面向隐性知识服务的组织元宇宙空间构建研究[J]. 情报杂志(北大核心 & CSSCI), 2023,42(11):153-160.
125. Jianhua Zhang, Liangchen Li, Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Dandan Wen, Jiake Li, Dandan Guo. Research on optimization of case adaptation and enhancement of knowledge application benefits for multi-decision class cases based on FASS-NRS and SAGA-FCM[J]. Journal of Advances in Management Research (Published: 27 February 2024). (Impact Factor:3.1;ESCI WOS: 001173118200001), https://doi.org/10.1108/JAMR-08-2023-0210.
126. 张建华, 张淑唯, 贺龙飞, 李良辰. 基于双维压缩与综合活性的案例知识进化研究[[J]. 科技管理研究(北大核心&CSSCI扩展版), 2024(2):124-132.
127. 张建华, 贺龙飞, 张淑唯, 曹子傲, 温丹丹. 基于IG-NRS与ICK双向压缩的KMS自学习案例知识匹配[[J]. 计算机应用研究(北大核心&CSCD扩展版;CSCD:7657281), 2024,41(2):393-400.
128. Jianhua Zhang, Jiake Li, Sajjad Alam, Fredrick Ahenkora Boamah, Dandan Wen. Factors of tacit knowledge acquisition and its mechanism of action on academic research performance: an empirical research from Chinese universities[J].Kybernetes (Published: 4 March 2024). (SCI-Q2 WOS: 001177387300001), https://doi.org/10.1108/K-09-2023-1650.
129. Umair Zia, Jianhua Zhang*, Du Xiaoyun, Liu Jinyan. Significance of knowledge management process and customer relationship management for stimulating innovation capability: empirical analysis, PLS-SEM approach[J]. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies. (ESCI WOS: 001205477500001), 2024,15(1):17–37.
130. Philip Adu Sarfo, Jianhua Zhang*, George Nyantakyi, Francis Ako Lassey, Emmanuel Bruce, Ophelia Amankwah. Influence of Green Human Resource Management on firm’s environmental performance: Green Employee Empowerment as a mediating factor [J]. PLOS ONE,19(4): e0293957. (Published: April 17, 2024). (SCI-Q1 MEDLINE:38630785), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0293957.
131. 张建华, 张淑唯, 温丹丹, 杨 岚. 隐性知识深度服务体系架构及其协同机制[J]. 情报杂志(北大核心 & CSSCI), 2024,43(04):192-199+134.
132. Sajjad Alam, Jianhua Zhang*. Examination of green technology implementations impacts on the employee income, investment and manufacturing productivity: an empirical assessment[J]. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (IJESD, ESCI WOS:001198220700009), 2024, 23(2/3):269 - 292, DOI: 10.1504/IJESD.2024.137796.(Received: 19 May 2022;Accepted: 19 Dec 2022;Published online: 05 Apr 2024 *)
133. Jianhua Zhang, Farrah Nayab Jehangir, Lan Yang, Muhammad Abubakar Tahir, Shanza Tabasum. Competitive Advantage and Firm Performance: The Role of Organizational Culture, Organizational Innovation, and Knowledge Sharing [J]. Journal of the Knowledge Economy ( SSCI-Q1 WOS:001234569400001). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-024-01910-3.(Published: 29 May 2024)
134. Naseer Abbas Khan, Jianhua Zhang, Maria Akhtar. Gig Work Self-Efficacy and Its Effects on Flexibility, Career Adoptability, and Adoption in the Metaverse: A Moderated Mediation Model[J], International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction ( SSCI-Q1 & SCI-Q2 WOS:001251600900001), 2024,40(21):6813-6824. https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2024.2365483.(Online Published: 21 June 2024)
135. Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Zhang Jianhua*, Khwaja Naveed, Umair Zia, Mrs Sherani.Sustainable transformation:An interaction of green entrepreneurship, green innovation, and green absorptive capacity to redefine green competitive advantage. Business Strategy and the Environment,2024,33(7):7041-7059. (published online: 28 June 2024). ( SSCI-Q1 & Impact Factor:14.0 & WOS:001257141200001). https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.3859.
136. Abdul Hakeem Waseel, Jianhua Zhang*, Umair Zia, Malik Muhammad Mohsin, Sajjad Hussain. Leadership, knowledge dynamics and dual-path innovation: unravelling the synergy in Pakistan’s manufacturing sector [J].Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing( SSCI-Q2 & Impact Factor:3.8 & WOS:001270111000001). Publication date: 16 July 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-09-2023-0518.
137. Sajjad Alam, Jianhua Zhang*, Naveed Khan, Wen Dandan. Mechanism of green and knowledge process toward minimizing innovation risks: A direct and configuration approach [J]. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2024,33(8):7750-7767. (published online: 27 July 2024). ( SSCI-Q1 & Impact Factor:14.0 & WOS:000995992100001). https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.3899.
138. 张建华, 杨家和,刘金燕,贾红雨,王晓荷. 基于CBR视图相似度与HFLTS方法的车货匹配研究[J]. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)(北大核心 & CSCD扩展版;CSCD:7792787), 2024,43(8):69-77.
139. Abdul Hakeem Waseel, Jianhua Zhang*, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Irshad Hussain Sarki, Muhammad Wajid Kamran. Navigating the innovation frontier: ambidextrous strategies, knowledge creation, and organizational agility in the pursuit of competitive excellence[J]. Business Process Management Journal ( SSCI-Q1 & Impact Factor:4.5 & WOS:001293453100001),2024,30(6):2127-2160. Publication date: 21 August 2024. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-02-2024-0081.
140. Jianhua Zhang, Umair Zia, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Sherani. Tacit knowledge management process, product innovation and organizational performance: exploring the role of affective trust and task efficiency[J]. Business Process Management Journal. ( SSCI-Q1 & Impact Factor:4.5 & WOS:001293933900001). 2025,31(1):267-297. Publication online date: 22 August 2024. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-11-2023-0873.
141. Sherani, Jianhua Zhang*, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Sher Ali, Ziao Cao. Unlocking digital innovation: a moderated-mediation approach exploring the knowledge creation processes, IT-enabled capabilities and absorptive capacity in software SMEs[J]. Business Process Management Journal. ( SSCI-Q1 & Impact Factor:4.5 & WOS:001296159500001). 2025,31(1):170-201. Publication online date: 26 August 2024. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-03-2024-0127.
142. Jianhua Zhang, Ziao Cao*, Xiaoqian Zhou, Jinyan Liu and Hongyu Jia. The Influencing Mechanism of Robustness of Emergency Medical Logistics: Mediating Role of Knowledge Integration [J]. Systems. ( SSCI-Q1 & WOS:001343733100001). Publication date: 11 October 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems12100424.
143. 张建华, 温丹丹,贺龙飞. 决策属性相关的多案例诱导型适配[J].山东大学学报(理学版)(北大核心 & CSCD扩展), 2024, 59(9):1-8. doi:10.6040/j.issn.1671-9352.0.2022.561.
144. Jianhua Zhang,Azmat Yar Khan*, Maria Akhtar, Asfand Yar Khan, Afaq Ahmed Khan.Exploring the Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Personality on Innovation Performance: Role of Knowledge Creation Ability and Career Growth Opportunity in SMEs [J].Journal of the Knowledge Economy ( SSCI-Q1 & WOS:waiting). Publication date: 2 December 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-024-02458-y.
145. Jianhua Zhang, Sherani*,Muhammad Riaz, Umair Zia, Sher Ali, Jinyan Liu. Digital innovation in software SMEs: the synergy of digital entrepreneurship opportunities, knowledge generation and market-sensing capabilities via moderated–mediation approach [J]. Business Process Management Journal ( SSCI-Q1 & WOS:001368480800001). Publication date: 5 December 2024. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-04-2024-0286.
146. 张建华,贺龙飞,温丹丹,杨岚,张淑唯.PSO-SVD++与改进UCF的知识推荐[J].计算机工程与设计(北大核心), 2024,45(11):3405-3412.
147. Jianhua Zhang, Syed Ali Taqi, Aqsa Akbar, Jumanah Ahmed Darwish, Salman Abbas, Sajjad Alam, Yarui Gao, Muhammad Qaiser Shahbaz and Nadeem Shafique Butt. Green Innovation in Business: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of Trends, Contributors, and Future Directions [J]. Sustainability ( SSCI-Q2 & SCI-Q2 & WOS:waiting). 2024, 16(24), 10956. https://doi.org/10.3390/su162410956. Publication date: 13 December 2024.